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Clear Bag Policy

Clear Bag Policy

Posted on 4 February 2025 | 5:39 pm

Clear Bag Policy at Spring Alumni Weekend

CofC Clear Bag Policy

Approved Bags

  • Clear plastic, vinyl or PVC bags that do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12″ – A logo no larger than 4.5″ x 3.4″ can be displayed on one side of a permissible clear bag.
  • One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar)
  • Small clutch bags no larger than 4.5″ x 6.5″ – approximately the size of a hand, with or without a handle or strap
  • Medically necessary items (after proper inspection)

Prohibited bags include, but are not limited to:

  • Purses larger than a clutch bag
  • Briefcases
  • Backpacks
  • Fanny Packs
  • Cinch/Drawstring Bags
  • Luggage of any kind
  • Computer Bags
  • Diaper Bags
  • Binocular Cases
  • Camera Bags
  • Non-approved seat cushions, which include large traditional seat cushions that have pockets, zippers, compartments or covers

Prohibited Items

  • Purses larger than a clutch bag (4.5″ x 6.5″), briefcases, backpacks, and cinch bags of any kind, fanny packs, luggage of any kind, computer bags/cases, camera bags/cases, binocular bags/cases or any bag larger than the permissible size (12″ x 6″ x 12″)
  • Coolers, thermoses, cups, bottles, cans, flasks
  • Food of any kind
  • Weapons/Concealed Weapons
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Containers of any kind
  • Aerosol and Spray Cans
  • Mace/Pepper Spray
  • Animals (except service animals)
  • Laser lights, Strobe Lights and Pointers
  • Irritants such as artificial noisemakers
  • Fireworks/Explosives
  • Illegal Drugs
  • Drones


Why is the College of Charleston adopting this policy for all events?
The safety and security of our students, staff, faculty, guests, and all visitors along with the overall guest experience is our No. 1 priority. This proactive measure will enhance the safety inside and out of all venues and speed up the screening process. This policy also supports Homeland Security’s “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign.

What happens if I arrive to the event and do not have a clear bag?
Guests that do not have a clear bag will have the opportunity to purchase a bag from any campus store. The College of Charleston Campus Store: will make clear bags available at all events when possible. Clear bags can also be purchased online at The College Locker Room: Be sure to leave your non-clear bag in your vehicle.

What happens if I show up at the gate with a bag that is not permitted?
Guests with a prohibited bag will not be permitted inside the venue. Guests with prohibited bags will need to return their bags to their vehicle, and transfer their belongings to an approved clear plastic bag before entering the venue.

How does this expedite my entry into the venue?
This policy enables us to move guests through our security checkpoints faster, allowing staff to be more efficient and effective in checking bags that are brought into the venue. In short, shorter lines mean fewer hassles, all while guests enjoy an improved sense of safety.

Are other universities/venues limiting bags?
Yes. More and more college institutions are adopting the NCAA, NFL, local and state adopted Clear Bag Policy. In fact, some like the University of Michigan and Michigan State University have taken more far-reaching measures and do not permit any type of bags.

How many bags can each person bring into the venue?
Each ticketed guest can carry one large clear bag – either a one-gallon Ziploc-style bag or the 12″ x 6″ x 12″ clear bag – plus a small clutch purse (4.5″ x 6.5″). The small clutch must be carried into the venue outside the clear bag and is subject to search.

What about diaper bags?
Diapers and non-medically necessary items for babies and young children must be carried in a clear bag. Each member of a family, including children, would be allowed to carry an approved clear bag and a clutch purse into the stadium.

Can I carry cameras, binoculars, phones, or tablets separately from what I put in a clear bag?
Yes. Guests can continue to carry permitted items in their pockets and/or hands such as keys, phones, wallets, makeup, etc. if you choose not to put them in a clear bag or clutch. Prohibited items have not changed. Camera and binocular cases will not be allowed.

Are clear backpacks permitted?
Yes. Clear backpacks that do not exceed the 12″ X 6″ X 12″ clear bag policy are permitted. Any type of clear bag that does not exceed the clear bag size and do not contact the one logo imprint (4.5″ tall X 3.4″ wide size maximum) is permitted.